

How can we help?

Why bit-now.com?

As a regulated financial intermediary, critto Technologies GmbH offers a secure and reliable way to acquire cryptocurrencies under the name 'bit-now'. Due to the streamlined exchange process, it is also very easy to use. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
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Do I need a crypto wallet?

Yes, you need your own wallet. You must deposit this when making a purchase and - depending on the amount of the transaction - also verify it with a signature.
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How does a wallet signature work?

This simple step is necessary to confirm the ownership of the crypto wallet and the correctness of the information. You can trigger the signature quickly and easily with BlueWallet, for example.
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Is a withdrawal possible at bit-now.com?

In order to be able to offer the exchange process in such a streamlined and simple way, we have specialized in the one-way exchange of fiat to cryptocurrency for the time being. Consequently, a payout in fiat currencies is not possible.
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How long does an exchange process take?

The duration depends on several factors, but significantly on the time until the payment is received. This means that the process can be significantly accelerated by means of real-time bank transfers. It takes around five minutes to initiate an order, including the transfer of the transaction amount.
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When does a bitcoin transaction gets confirmed?

This depends on the utilization of the Bitcoins network. It should be noted here that due to the decentralized nature of bitcoin, a mining fee is necessary to give bitcoin miners an incentive to protect the network. We generally transfer bitcoin transactions with low mining fees. The more stressed the Bitcoin network is, the longer it takes for transactions to be confirmed. In the unlikely event that transactions are not confirmed in a reasonable amount of time, we can always increase the transaction fee to have the transaction confirmed in an adequate amount of time. If you have been waiting for confirmation for a long time, please contact our support. We will take care of it.
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Is the purchase of cryptocurrencies also offered to companies?

No, unfortunately we only offer our service to individuals at the moment. If you are interested in a service offer for legal entities, we will be happy to assist you on an inquiry basis.
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Why is the payment reference so important?

We need the correct payment reference to clearly assign the transaction to the respective order. We also use the bank transfer as part of the verification of your account. This happens automatically in the background. Consequently, it is essential that the correct reason for payment is used.
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Why does my bank warn me not to transfer money?

Some banking institutions are still sceptical about digital assets, e.g. cryptocurrencies. Therefore, they have implemented systems that automatically send alerts when transactions are made to certain types of businesses, including cryptocurrency exchanges. It is important to emphasise that this does not mean that our company is fraudulent or has unsafe practices.
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Why should I continue to use bit-now.com despite my bank's warning?

We understand that such warnings can be unsettling. However, it is important to understand that these alerts are often generic in nature and do not reflect the actual circumstances or integrity of our business. As a VQF regulated organisation, we are required to adhere to strict security and compliance standards to ensure the protection of our customers.
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What can I do if my bank rejects the transfer or problems occur?

If your bank refuses the transaction, we recommend contacting your bank directly and informing them that you made the transaction intentionally and in full knowledge. In many cases, banks can authorise the transaction after such clarification. If you continue to experience problems, please contact our customer service team. We will do our best to help you.
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How can I file a compliant or request a recall?

If you would like to file a complaint or request a payment recall, feel free to reach out to our support team at any time. They will gladly assist with your request. You can contact them by email at: [email protected].

Please be aware that, due to technical constraints, we are unable to reverse a completed blockchain transaction. However, we can provide full transaction details upon request through the above email address.
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